
Friday, April 20, 2012

Some changes. . .

The talk at forum (see below post) went really well. We are proud of ourselves. :)

So I think I want to try a couple things on our blog. I am going to try and keep up a "currently reading" list on the side and I would really love to share recipes that I've tried and loved. I have seen some other blogs and they have inspired me. So you might see some changes going on around this place. Just a warnin'.

I am definitely going to be making some changes in home decor around our place, too. 'Member those pictures we got taken a while ago? Well, I am going to get our favorite ones printed and change the frames. Excited? You bet! I went to Hobby Lobby in Rancho. OH MY WORD!! Best. Store. Ever!! I just wanted to buy everything! :) But for now, I can use those things I see and make my own, right? My grandma has told me if I am tired of the color of something around the house, paint it! It really changes the look and feel of a room or the object (of course). But I just think that's brilliant! :)

I am now looking for a new book or new series to read. I have borrowed a book from a good friend of mine, Drawing on the Powers of Heaven by Grant Von Harrison. It looks really good and I'm excited to read it. Any recommendations, please, let me know!

PS - I'm a stinkin' jenius! I fixed my grandma's computer! Derrik helped, yes, but I just (in the words of my mom) 'click, click, click' and fixed it! :) I'm just that good! {Ps did you notice I spelled genius wrong? (jenius) ;) }

1 comment:

charlye said...

I love you Denisey. And I almost didn't notice the jenius...