
Monday, April 16, 2012

A good marriage

This Thursday, at forum, Derrik & I are going to be speaking about how to have a successful first 6 months of marriage. I am excited and I'm sure he is too. We decided that it'd be best to basically tell them what we do and like to do and how doing those things have helped strengthen our marriage and our bond not only as husband and wife, but as friends too. We figured it'd be nice for people in our age range to hear from fellow young people how fun and awesome marriage is. So, here's to hoping it goes well!

On another note, I have decided to read Jesus the Christ by James Talmage. I just finished the first chapter. I am excited to read it because I have heard so many wonderful reviews about it. I finished the Harry Potter series - EXCELLENT. Of course they are! I bet you're thinking. Now, I want to have a marathon and watch all the movies haha. Derrik read Twilight (and wasn't a big fan at all) so he wants to watch all four movies, so that he can say "Twilight sucks!" and when asked if he has even read or watched the series, he can reply yes and his judgement on the series won't be out of ignorance ;). I knew he was not going to be a big fan, it's not targeted for boys/men. It's targeted for girls and HS girls at that. But I was tired of hearing people who have never even read the books say they were awful and terrible. You can't knock something until you try it. That's my opinion. So, marathons here we come!

I love scrolling through blogs of people, getting ideas from them. I do the same thing on Pinterest as well. I want to be funny and crafty and clever. Haha. Someday. That's my goal.

Well, that was a couple random thoughts there, but hey, random is good sometimes, right?

Happy Monday! (Did I just use happy and Monday in the SAME sentence?! Yup, cause my Mondays are usually pretty good and happy.) :)

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