
Friday, December 9, 2011

Lots of stuff...

is happening! Our friends Tyaan and Michael McGowen had their baby, Finley Nicole. BEAUTIFUL newborn baby, so she'll be a beautiful little girl :) We got to hold her when she was a day old. So cute!! She looks like Michael, with some traits of Tyaan :)

School is over! Well, just finals, but school is over! Haha. We are SO excited. Just lots of studying this weekend. We get three weeks off and then back for the 6 week winter intercession. LAME. But we are taking a math class together, so it shouldn't be too, too bad. I'm looking forward to our time off :)

Charlye is coming home the week after finals!! We are picking her up from the airport. Everyone is all so excited. It's going to be so fun having her home and having the holidays! Becca will be coming home, too, I'm just not sure when. I haven't heard from her about that, yet.

Christmas is right around the corner! I've gotten Derrik a few presents and I keep looking for more :) He's gotten me things, too. We both have had fun shopping for each other in secret. Our tree is up and our whole place is decorated for Christmas. I love it! It's pretty much snowman themed, too haha. We both love them and so most of our decorations are snowmans. :) Love it!

Derrik plays guitar, so one day I got it out and he said "I'll play it if it's out" and he does! Every day he plays and I LOVE IT!!! He sings, too. It's just absolutely beautiful. I could listen to that all day, every day. That's another one of my favorite things about him.

This is our first holiday season together, so I wanted an ornament that said something like "Newlywed's first Christmas" or something. Well, we were shopping at Target and found an ornament that has a diamond ring in a box and it says "Marry me" with 2011 underneath the box. Derrik suggested that one because he asked me to marry him and we got married in 2011. I loved it, so we bought it. It is so cute on our tree! His mom also got us a customized ornament that has our names and Christmas 2011 written on it. Guess what it is? Two snowmen!! A boy and a girl. She didn't even know that we were "snowman" themed!! Haha, I thought that was funny.

Our life seems to get busier and busier, with us always adding something to do everyday. I love it though. What I dislike is the long nights I'm by myself. Mostly it's Fridays and Saturdays that it's long. You'd think I'd be used to it by now...nope. Maybe someday. But that won't happen for quite a few more years. Mom says when we have children that I won't even notice how long the nights are, because I'll be busy. But IDK, I think I WOULD notice..."oh goodness, it's 10 and FINALLY the kids are in bed" haha. I guess we'll see!

I still love married life and am still so EXTREMELY happy. I know that will never change. :)

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