
Monday, December 19, 2011

Have you ever

been up late and wanted something to eat, you just didn't know what? Well, so have we. It is always late at night! We can't ever figure out what it is we want. And the past couple weeks (before my grocery shopping trip) all we had was sandwiches or soup. Sandwiches and soup are delicious, but after awhile...you kind of get tired of eating JUST that. I mean, we didn't even have any SNACKS. Like munchies. Can you believe that?? I know, I'm a terrible wife! ;)

So, Friday was my shopping day. And I went about $7 over budget. Which I NEVER do. I'm usually like $20, $30 UNDER budget!! So it was definitely a change lol. But I got good stuff for us. So late night munchies/don't know what to eat....GONE!! :)

Charlye comes home tomorrow!! We are all so excited!! Derrik & I are going to pick her up at the airport and then just hang out. The other best part of tomorrow is my mom is making lasagna for dinner. OH MY HEAVENS. Am I excited??! You better believe it!! Lasagna is only my ALL time favorite meal ever!! So yeah, tomorrow will be awesome. Besides the fact that I will get to be with Derrik ALL day long. :)

He has changed his Delta schedule to Mondays/Fridays. That's totally fine. Well, this week, Domino's scheduled him to work at 5:15 tonight. So....I will not see him until about midnight or one am. Gone at 5:30 AM, home at 12 or 1 AM. Terrible? I think yes. (In case you're wondering, yes I did almost cry this morning). I did things to keep me busy. Here is what I did:

-cleaned up our room and vacuumed it.
-organized our closet...well, my shoes. (I got rid of a pair! go me!) and vacuumed
-did a load of towels (washed, dried, and folded/put away)
-straightned up the living room and vacuumed.
-went through last semester's school papers and cleaned out our bags
-cleaned the kitchen (clean dishes away, washed last night's dinner pans, washed the sink, wiped the counters down, and wiped down the stove) and started the dishwasher
-cleaned the bathroom. Deep clean, not surface clean.
-dumped the trash

Wow :) All in about an hour and half, to an hour and 45 minutes. I've gotten pretty fast. Now I'm all showered and dressed, ready to hang out with my friend Tyaan and baby Finley and do some Christmas shopping. It's been a good day. I'm just more excited for tomorrow. :)

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