
Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful week

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving day :) We started out at Derrik's parents house and I helped with the dinner and then we ate and visited. My mother-in-law started this tradition of "brownie" gifts. Everyone who attended her dinner got a little Christmas surprise. Derrik and I got a cute snowman countdown of December, a big snowman cookie jar, a pair of Christmas socks, a shoe ornament, and two fish ornaments. It was such a cute and fun gift! His grandma gave us a little nativity set. We were so excited because we both wanted one and to have our first one from such a lovely grandma is awesome :)

After that, we went to my grandma's house to have another meal with my family. That was fun. My family is loud, but I love them so much. Derrik didn't eat much, just a couple of rolls. He had a big plate at his mom's. I ate more though...haha. I LOVE Thanksgiving. It's my all time favorite holiday. So, of course I am going to eat two platefuls!! I also had some pumpkin pie and delicious fudge :)

Today, Derrik, Brook (my mother in law) and I went to downtown L.A. to shop for Derrik's birthday (December 2) and my Christmas. It was so fun! We had a good time. I love my mother in law, she's such a sweet woman. I have to wait for my gifts! Haha, that's the worst! I got a purse, some jewelry, and a couple of shirts. I also got a phone cover, but I got that early :) I am excited for Christmas. And because I'm not a traitor, December 1 is when all our decorations will come up. :)

We decided to get a fake tree, that way we can have it and not have to worry about getting it later. And with fake trees, we can decide how tall/short we want it. I am excited, I must admit. Especially since it's Derrik and my first Christmas together. This time last year, we were only starting to talk. Wow, haha. A year later and we are married. I love it. :) I can't wait to see all his tree ornaments and hear the stories behind them and to show him mine and tell him more stories. What a wonderful holiday!

So, as I mentioned earlier, Derrik's birthday is December 2. Which is a week from today. I am taking him to dinner on Tuesday night to a Brazilian BBQ, Greenfield's in Covina. We went there for Valentine's Day and I loved it. Then Thursday night, I'm taking him to Cask 'n' Cleaver (a stake place). He couldn't decide between the two so I made the decision for both. He thinks it's too much, but I think the boy deserves it. :) Cask 'n' Cleaver is where we ate on our wedding night and he cannot stop talking about how great the food is. I am excited and I know he is too!

I don't remember if I posted about this already, but oh well. I was too excited about his presents, so I gave them to him a month before his birthday!! Hahaha. I'm silly, I know. But I had had the gifts for a while and I was DYING to give them to him. I got him a vest to wear under his suit with a black tie, a blue tie with matching cuff links, a watch with the SLC temple on it, and I helped get Bruna, our sting ray. (Name is Bruna because she is from the Amazon which is in Brazil and that is a common name down there). Oh and dinner :) I love my hubby :)

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