
Monday, September 26, 2011

If I had a wish . . .

I would wish for the semester to be over, Christmas to be here, my mom's birthday to be here. . . that's more than one wish. Mostly, I want the semester to be over. So does Derrik. It's only the 5th week! 11 more to go! Crazy! We've both got a bit of a heavy load this semester. . .but we're getting through it. For the most part.

We like our ward at church; they are very nice and loving. Derrik just got called to be the ward choir director. He's excited, but kind of nervous. He got told the first performance is in December, for Christmas. He's going to start rehearsals in about 2 weeks.

The second weekend of October, his family and us are going to the river. Colorado River. I'm excited, but nervous. A couple families from the ward go, too and they all have told me it's super fun. It's only Friday & Saturday. I think it'll be like Lake Mead when my family used to go. We're driving out Thursday (Derrik & I) after I get out of class. :) Derrik is VERY excited. He told me at the beginning of September "the river trip is in October. . . and we're going". Haha. I was like okay.

We love our little home. We're both so happy there. I've done a pretty good job of keeping it clean and tidy. The dishwasher is kind of sucky, so I handwash all the dishes. I've gotten faster at it now. I'm going to have maintence come in this Friday and fix it. That's what we're paying for, right? Like I said in the previous post, all our pictures are up. We even had little shelves that I'd been wanting to hang up, but it's just hard cause other things were higher up on the priority list...so Saturday night while Derrik was at work, I worked on my homework, hung up 4 shelves and a picture, and made cookies. In my new Kitchen Aid!!

That's right! We got a Kitchen Aid - $189.99 from Amazon!! 4 1/2 quart, 250 watt motor. Man, my mom was RIGHT. I LOVE it. I've only used it once but it's so great!! I can't wait to do more stuff with it. This Friday, we're having stromboli. It's so GOOD! And I think I'm going to make the pizza dough, instead of buying the bread dough like the option on that website. And probably Saturday night I'll make some bread sticks.

Remember earlier, how I said I was using the food nanny? Well, she is definitely a big help. I don't worry about what we could have for dinner. I just get up in the morning and take out anything that needs to defrost. We get home and I start cookin'! Derrik helps a lot. He sets the table and helps me clean up :)

I love my life :) So does Derrik. :)

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