
Monday, September 19, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I'm not sure if I've posted already. . .but we finally hung up our pictures and stuff on the walls! WOW!! What a difference!! I love our cute little place. I love keeping it clean and making dinner and being here when my sweet husband gets home from work.

School is going alright for the both of us. It's already week 4! Yeah! Only 12 more weeks to go! Whoo! :) I am now officially known as Denise Katherine Peterson! That was the highlight of my day! :)

We've had a couple over for dinner and it was fun, definitely going to do it again. I have some friends who have little babies and I've offered them free baby-sitting, haha. Just something to do at night when Derrik is not home. I'm getting better about him being gone in the evenings. I miss him so much every night, but I keep myself busy with things to do so time flies!

Also, member how I said Fridays were long days? Well, so far we've only had one Friday like that. I'm glad. I don't know if we'll have anymore, but we shall see. Last Friday, the 16th, I got up and deep cleaned our place. I went job searching (walked), did a load of laundry (washed, dried, folded, and put away), washed our 2 windows, dusted and wiped the furniture down, vaccummed the whole place, straightened up our desk and bookshelf, made our bed, washed 2 loads of dishes and put them away, and had dinner ready for my love when he got home. It was a long day. . . but I'm young and can do it. So, why not?
Life is wonderful. :) I love it! I'll always say that. I married a sweet, wonderful man. He's my life, my world, my everything.

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