
Thursday, June 5, 2014

This and that

I am done with Facebook. I'm on Instagram, Pinterest, and my blog. I think that's fine. If anyone wants to keep in touch with me or how my family is doing, they have three options. Well, maybe two. Pinterest doesn't really show how my family is doing haha.

Anyway. Jace is 8 months old today!! He:

-learned how to crawl, so he wants to explore EVERYTHING
-got even better at pulling himself to sitting and standing position
-tried combined dinners. Some he likes, some not so much
-LOVES drinking water
-likes to make noise and any toy that makes noise
-smacks his lips and blows raspberries (with his tongue out and with just lips)
-has become more vocal
-is friendly, smiles at everyone!
-loves being outside, feeling the wind and sunshine
-has cut one tooth and one is on the way!
-likes touching hair (very touchy-feely boy)
-loves music


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