
Thursday, May 9, 2013


I went with my BFF cousin, Breanne, shopping today, looking for some maternity skirts or dresses.
It's SO stinkin' hard!! Hard to find modest, modest and cute, and hard to find MATERNITY period! We think pregnant women just go a size up, instead of purchasing maternity clothes, so lots of stores aren't carrying anything or have a small selection. Lame.

I did find one super cute outfit. Not maternity, but I could still wear it. Heaven knows I'm not showing yet!! These women at Costco compared Breanne and I - she's 19 weeks and I'm 20. She looks like she is having twins!! But she's on her second and I'm on my first. I want to switch places with her, be showing already!! Everyone says "you say that now, but soon enough you'll be wishing you weren't so big" haha. =)

Everything is going great - I'm definitely eating more!! Still wanting those French fries!! :) Next baby appointment is in a couple weeks! :)

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