
Friday, May 31, 2013

Been awhile. . .

Sorry I haven't posted in a while!!

A quick update:

-We felt baby move at 21 weeks! (two weeks ago)
-I have been craving donuts and French fries everyday. Like nobody's business!!!
-My BFF cousin, Breanne, is having a boy also! Due Oct 3rd. THE RACE IS ON. =D
-I'm still set to deliver Sept 26. Let's hope our little guy beats Breanne's! ;)
-A week or so more and we can start setting up baby's nursery!
-Finally starting to show!!

That's it, I am pretty sure! Oh! I am graduating on June 14th!!!! GO ME! =D

 This is me at 5 months along! :)
I found this gem online.
It TOTALLY fits me.
[Cause I'm deaf, wear hearing aids...when I go to sleep, I take them out...I read lips...
do you get it?]

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