
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Long time, no blog!

Hmm...what has happened as of late? Nothing much! Just the same old stuff around here. Thanksgiving is in a week and that means Becca is here in town!! I am so excited!! We will do what we did last year - Thanksgiving at both families and finish it off with the extended side of the Peterson's. I am excited. Thanksgiving is my number one all time favorite holiday!!

Our CD of photos that we took a couple weeks ago will be here soooooon!! I am SO excited!! She (Jenolyn) posted another picture (look to the right on our blog) and I am DYING. I cannot wait to see the rest of them! They look fabulous!!

School is almost done! That means I'm almost done!! YAY!! That's great news as well!!
I am preparing Becca and Charlye's Christmas present. Yup, homemade. Those are the best, right? Yeah, they are. In case you didn't know ;)

Well, as soon as I get the pictures, I will definitely post them!! Sorry there isn't much going on!!

Enjoy your holidays!!

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