
Monday, October 1, 2012

It's. So. HOT.

It's really hot. . .why has the heat not left us yet?

I am so ready for Fall. So is Derrik. Jeans, boots, shoes & socks, jackets, scarves, long sleeved shirts, hot chocolate, pumpkin pie, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Everything that comes with the next few months. :)

School is whatever. I'm enjoying it. I hope I do well. I am going to do well!

Sorry I haven't posted much. We have not done anything super exciting. In a few weeks, however, we will be having a photo shoot (!!!) with Jenolyn Christensen. I am SUPER excited!! Check her out! I believe her link is http://jenolynchristensenphotography.blogspot.com/ She's so great!!

I think I'm going to a craft fair this Thursday. That or Disneyland. No idea yet. Pictures (hopefully!) to come!

Have a wonderful Monday!

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