
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Updates, facts, randomness, oh my!

I'm not sure what "surprises" I have that I mentioned in the previous post...oh well.

For the next week, Derrik and I are house sitting and kid sitting for my parents while they are in New York(!!!) Their anniversary is today, September 6. 15 years and counting baby! They left this morning. . .I'm so lonely here! There is a big difference between being alone all day in an apartment and being alone all day in a house. I'm not sure I like it.

We moved into the Peterson's home this past weekend. Derrik and I are dead. We are so worn out, it's quite ridiculous. Still putting things away, deciding what absolutely needs to be kept and what can  be given away. Seriously, when I was packing, I just wanted to give it all to goodwill and start over when the time came for us to move out on our own. No joke. Who knew you could fit SO much kitchen stuff in an apartment sized kitchen?? I sure didn't!!

School has started, as well. It's going well so far. We are already going to be on our third week! Wow! I think it helps that I only have three once a week classes. Biology on Mondays, Psychology on Tuesday nights, and a computer security class on Wednesdays. I work out Mondays after Bio and Wednesdays before my computer class. I'm excited for that. I mostly plan on building muscle, more than losing weight. I'll maintain my weight.

I was walking on campus the other day, when I thought to myself that I'm glad weird people still have friends. There are some strange people on the Mt SAC campus. . .seriously. I know I can be weird sometimes, but trust me, there are stranger people.

Lastly, a few things to note:

1. I kind of want to take another trip. The trip to St. George we took a few weeks ago was great. It was fun and not long (obviously).

2. I have a new found food love - nutella. It's great great. I had my first spoonful probably a week and a half ago. . .yeah, I wanted to eat the jar right there while watching my favorite show, One Tree Hill. I tricked Derrik into thinking I did. He was proud that I didn't.

3. I have been craving Hershey's Chocolate kisses for weeks now and I finally received a bag from WinCo the other night!! They are heavenly!!

4. I want to do a modeling photo shoot. Not that I think I'm beautiful model status, just cause I think it'd be fun.

5. I love to dress up. I try to look nice every day, but especially on dates. I love dressing up for dates.

Okay, thanks for reading.

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