
Friday, June 15, 2012

School's out....

....for the sum-mah!!

Yes, I did just sing that. I have been all day. It's a pretty good feeling.

I got up at 7:20 this morning to do a final at 7:30. [It was online]. Wellllll, the website was down. So I went in and woke up my cute sleeping hubby and asked him to take me to school. I got there about 8:20 (I kept trying the website at home, we left about 7:50, 8). I got to my classroom and asked my teacher and he said "it's working now!" So, I took it in an hour...missed one!! MAN, I'm good!!

So that's that.

Less than 24 hours till Lake Shasta. Is Derrik excited? You better stinkin' believe he is!!
I am, too. It'll be fun. :) I'm taking my camera, so I'm gonna take LOTS of pictures. We need them. Posterity, people! ;)

Happy weekend and week! See everyone next week!!

PS that posterity statement was NOT an announcement. Trust, you'll know. :)

1 comment:

Jennifer Hankins said...

I love your blog... You make me want to start one again! Hmmm...Have a great Vacation!!!!