
Friday, November 11, 2011


So, everyone has favorites, right? Favorite day of the week, favorite month, favorite song, favorite season, etc. Well, we have favorite things about each other. I'll just name a couple that I love about Derrik- I think they are super cute habits of his (hence why they are my favorite)

*the way he wakes up in the mornings: he makes "musical" noises as I call them as he stretches and wakes up.
*when he sings to me. . .but makes up words to the tunes. Usually about me. :)
*is passion and love for his fish. Like a little boy on Christmas.
*his laugh. He calls it his "guffaw" laugh.

I know he has some favorites about me.

*when I tell people stuff and I say "Don't tell Derrik". . .but I'm ALWAYS the first one to tell him. Haha.
*how goofy I am and not afraid to be silly in front of him
*when we are driving, I lean over on his right arm and hug him tight
*when I make cookies and I tell him "they are gross" and he eats them and LOVES them.

We all have favorites. I love everything about Derrik, but there are definitely some things I couldn't live without about him. He's my best friend and I'm proud to be his wife.

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