
Monday, May 16, 2011

82 days!!!

82 days already?? CRAZINESS!!!

We're both so excited, we can hardly stand it! It's getting harder and harder to be away from each other. But we're surviving. Barely ;)

Plans are falling into place. . . we have our reception location, desserts, bridal party and what they will be wearing, my dress, Derrik's outfit, decorations, guest list, invitations, time, everything. Planning is done. Now it is putting action to those plans. Which is going smoothly. Thank goodness!

I have to admit, our location was not my first choice. . . but it'll be good. Everything else is going the way I wanted, so I can hardly complain, right? Right. =)

I get to marry the guy of my dreams! My sisters are coming home! I got the photographer I wanted! I got to design my dress, too! The rest of this stuff is like gravy to me. What more could I ask for? I mean, really? San Diego for the honeymoon (with the cutest boy in the world, mind you ;) ), come home and have my own mock apartment. We'll be working and going to school, saving up for our own place one day. I'm excited to spend eternity with Derrik. Best life ever. =)

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