
Friday, July 27, 2012

News, smokers, and other random things

Smoking bothers me. Like, really bothers me. Don't do it. And really, in today's day and age when we KNOW how bad it is for you? And other people, too! The other day I was sweeping our patio . . .and I found THREE cigarette butts in the leaves!!!! Neither one of us smokes, so it was most definitely our neighbor! UGH!!! Pass a law on that, people!!

The news bothers me. Stupid things make top headlines. Some mom was banned from Facebook for 7 days for posting an inappropriate picture of her two girls (older one was pretending to breastfeed the younger). Oh, how terrible, you couldn't get on Facebook. Play with your kids! Also, we are STILL hearing about Michael Jackson - the latest, how his mother lost custody over his three kids. . .named Prince, Blanket, and Paris. Don't even get me started. Some woman took off her wedding ring to put sunscreen on at a beach and then lost it. Um...hello? Why would you do that? Bottom line, I hate the news.

My whole family went to Disneyland this past Monday. It was a great day, really enjoyable. Long lines, sure, but it was fine, they went by quick. The only thing I really dislike when I'm at Dland is the little kids. . .don't get me wrong, I LOVE kids. Just not ones that run wild and free with parents who don't pay attention. They get ahead of you in line, bump into your butt and/or lower back. I hate it! When they get ahead, they don't even get noticed that they are gone from the party until half an hour later!! I don't get how parents can be like that! You have to have a license to fish, to drive, to be a photographer, a teacher, a lifeguard, even to die!! But any lame-o can have kids. Goodness.
The Olympics have started. . .am I recording them? No. I never got into that too much. Eh.

Today, I went and saw Step Up: Revolution. I really liked it. I would see it again. Then I went to lunch at Fazzoli's for the first time. Super good!

I read and watched a little television, made dinner, visited with Derrik, and just had a relaxing evening. :)

Sorry for the ranting. . .I've got some pet peeves. Who doesn't?
Thanks for reading anyway!

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