
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Two Months!

Jace is two months old as of December 5th. It's so hard to believe!
It really seems like he was just born only a couple weeks ago!
He has grown so much in that short amount of time!
We LOVE being his parents!!

He has smiled, practically from day one! Not really, more since he was a month, maybe close to a month old. He definitely smiles in response to anyone's smile now. He likes to be warm, loves being with his momma, and loves playing with his daddy. Recently, I've started playing with his feet and he LOVES that. As soon as I get his feet (when he's sitting in my lap), he immediately breaks into a smile! I LOVE his reaction. His favorite spot is the changing table. Cause he's getting clean diaper, probably. He gets a little fussy at first, but then starts babbling and smiling.

He is starting to focus on things really well. He loves when I read to him, specifically two books. "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" and a little one meant for the bath, called "Letters". I read them both a few times during the day. He can hold his head up by himself, he has gotten better at it each day. We are working on tummy time, he isn't quite sure about that yet. He has rolled once, so we're waiting for that to continue on. He is the sweetest baby - when I lay him in his bed, if he loses his binky, he kind of whimpers (I guess that's the right word) and waits for daddy or momma to stick it back in his mouth. Well, some nights, I've told him "Okay Jace, it's daddy's turn for a few minutes". . . well guess what?? Those times I've told him that, I will look over after a little bit and he will have lost his binky, but is just laying there, waiting till it's his turn again. You may think nothing of that or laugh at me, but I think he knew what I said and what I meant. I'm not biased!

He LOVES eating (what baby doesn't?) and is getting better at burping. Of course, he is a little fussy until he burps, then he is all smiles and happy. Jace loves making "stinky diapers" for his parents. He breaks out into a big grin when he toots - boy has he got some juicy ones!! (Sorry if that's a disgusting note, but I've got to record it!) He can knock out at 7:30 pm and sleep all night, except...not all night. If I let him sleep from 7:30 pm, he will wake up at midnight, then again at 4 or 5. But he's so good, I can swaddle him back up, give him his binky, and he is right back to sleep for another few hours. Usually, I don't let him go to bed bed at 7:30. I put him down between 10 and 11 pm cause then he is up between 6 and 7, which is perfect for me.

Lately, in those wee hours (between 6 & 7), I'll swaddle him, then lay him in between Derrik & I. Don't worry, we are both alert and know he is right there. He falls asleep quickly (he loves being in that spot, listening to momma and daddy talk or breathe), then I put him back in his bed and wake up again between 8 and 9, depending on when he first awoke. He pretty much put himself on that schedule since the second week he was home.

He has started watching Baby Einstein's "Baby Beethoven". . . it's never too early to start being stimulated! I love watching him watch it. That might be weird, but it's so fun to see him just staring intently at the screen. I've even caught him smiling a couple times at some parts. I LOVE that! We had a "trick", if I may, of when he would sit on my lap, I'd raise his arms and say "ahhh" (like a musical note) and after a few times of doing it over and over, he started opening his mouth, like he was going to make the noise. Then he'd close it when I put his arms down. Basically imitating me. That trick stopped, because I stopped doing it or he got bored with such a simple act and wants a more complex one ;)

Jace is a fantastic baby and I can't wait for him to start crawling, walking, and talking. Then again, I definitely can wait for that. He's my baby boy! I never knew I could have so much love in my heart, especially for such a little person. It makes me understand only a teeny, tiny bit more how much our Father in Heaven loves us. I will never understand fully, however. I would do anything for this baby boy of mine, even when I'm 87 years old and he is 30 (or however old he'll be when I'm 87 ha).

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